Db1 power supply bridge rectifier problems.
Pinball power supply problems.
The simplest thing to check when the score displays do not work is the 100 and 100 volt dc power section of the power supply.
This bridge can fatiqued and cause the game to have random resets.
With acute attention to detail plug and play technology and complete redesigns of classic game technology our products are built to the highest standards of design technical specifications and manufacturing.
A problem that might be unique to this particular version of the data east power supply is that sometimes an electrolytic capacitor on the board will leak arcing and creating a short between the horizontal trace and a via circled at left.
And quite often this power supply section does go bad.
Often the power supply s solder points for this bridge are cracked or even have black rings around the bridge leads caused by voltage arcing across the crack.
Keep a few 35 amp 200 volt or higher bridge.
Bad capacitors and bridge rectifie.
Volt power supply bridge fails fuse f5 or f6 7 amp slo blo on the power supply blows.
If either of these voltages are bad your displays will not work.
This means the 5 volt bridge br1 on the power supply board is shorted.
A reset trick led stuck on adding a capacitor.
The 39k ohm power supply resistors.
Note the 1n959b is mis labeled in the manual as 1n9598.
Xpin is the leading provider of aftermarket replacement displays driver boards and power supplies for pinball machines.
If having problems with the reset led stuck on try shorting together with a screwdriver blade pins 39 and 40 of the u9 cpu.
If you replace this blown fuse turn the game back on and the fuse immediately blows.
6 16 7 cracked power or ground header pins and cracked solder joints at the 5v fuse 6 16 8 missing diodes open diodes or cold solder joints at the flipper coils 6 16 9 poor connections between the transformer secondary and the power driver board 6 16 10 poor connection at j101 on the power driver board.