So we can use an rfid system to open a door.
Rfid rc522 arduino door lock.
Rfid uses electromagnetic fields to identify and track tags attached to an object.
Unlocks a door controls a relay actually using a rc522 rfid reader with spi interface on your arduino.
For the first time we are going to use rfid tags with arduino.
You need to have 7 solid core hookup wire to connect rfid rc522 to arduino i use arduino leonardo but you can choose others.
I could not find much about the module i have the rfid rc522 in blue color so this might be useful for the ones who have the same problem as me because the red one has the pins different.
I will use an arduino uno and rfid rc522 mifare protocol.
This is nick from educ8s tv and today we are going to learn how to use this rfid reader with arduino in order to build a simple lock system.
Dear friends welcome to another instructable.
The servo that controls the door is being controlled by the micro controller and the arduino is being told when to unlock and lock the door with the rfid reader.
Hey friends in this video i will show you how to make rfid lock system visit my website to download codes and circuit diagrams https www viralsciencecrea.
Arduino rfid lock with rc522 mifare protocol 13 56 mhz.
Check out the link for the schematic code parts list.
Project tutorial by robotgeek projects team.
The lamp acts as a electric door lock because i don t have a electrical lock you simply add the door lock to the relay instead of the lamp.
The mfrc522 uses radio frequence identification rfid.
In this tutorial we will learn how to use the rfid mfrc522.
You define a master card which acts as a programmer then you can able to choose card holders who can able to unlock the door or not.
An rfid door lock can lock and unlock doors with a swipe of a rfid keychain or card.
Easy user interface just one rfid tag needed whether delete or add tags to memory.
Rfid rc522 and arduino uno pin configuration rfid rc522 arduino uno ss sda d10 sck d13 mosi d11 miso d12 irq not connected gnd gnd rst d9 3 3v 3 3v note.
Sda connect to pin 10 2.
I will show you how to easily make a rfid lock.
For example only the person with the right informat.
We connected lcd to the analog pins.
I only found wrong schematics.
In arduino project in this project tutorial you will use the multiple mfrc522 to control a solenoid lock and three leds.